


조선후기 李順伊의 童貞觀 형성 과정


On the Formation of Yi Sun-i's Virginity View in the Latter Part of Joseon


전북사학회 전북사학 제37호 2010.10 pp.201-230
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yi Sun-i, a “Korean martyr’s jewel” due to her unique religious life and faith, her letter that she wrote when she was in prison was transcribed and read by the people. As she was still young, she decided to keep her virginity, and carried out her conviction in a unique way which was through a virgin couple.
This life where in there is no origin was of course a good paragon for the believers.
Many surrounding circumstances influenced how she lived with retaining her virginity. Firstly, we can't deny that Yi sun-i underwent primarily academic traditions and religious beliefs of her family. Both of her parents' families were Sirhak scholar families in the latter part of Joseon.
Gwon Cheol-sin, an uncle on the mother's side, was a person who had an academic effect on her. Through learning of valuing much of practices, he emphasized on putting filial piety and neighborly love into practice, and such this idea made filial piety for God and practice of neighborly love be possible.
The other uncle Gwon il-sin exercised an effect on the religious belief. He who became a Catholic due to Lee byeok's suggestion lead actively a religious life, baptizing his relatives. His enthusiastic faith was delivered to his children, and also it made Yi sun-i concentrate a life of faith. Moreover, the then catechism and biographies of saints were lavish in their praise for her virginity.
Even though a physical pain follows, they taught the pain is nothing on the bless given at the heaven. Furthermore, the point that we should concentrate on is keeping a virginity means not only facing a physical hardship but also loving lord with all her body and heart.
The thing that makes it possible is the eucharist. The eucharist is having Jesus Christ's body and drinking his blood. The love Jesus Christ gives his body to us is enough to change the one who have body of Christ. Because of the love toward Jesus Christ who loves her, the mind which are the devoting all about herself and being together with Jesus Christ arises through eucharist.
She had well known a love toward herself by Jesus Christ. Because of certainity of her feeling, she get a pure mind devoting all about herself and being together with Jesus Christ through eucharist. Sun-i Yi decided to keep her virginity, because of an influence of her family and eucharist. For the reason of the faith appeared by various catechism and Jesus Christ, she had kept her virginity until her fine death.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 조선시대의 여성상 및 결혼
 Ⅲ. 집안 학풍과 신앙의 영향
  1. 집안 학풍의 영향
  2. 집안 신앙의 영향
 Ⅳ. 조선 후기 서학서의 영향
  1.『천주실의(天主實義)』의 영향
  2. 『칠극(七克)』 영향
  3.『성경직해광익(聖經直解廣益)』의 영향
  4.『성교요리문답(聖敎要理問答)』의 영향
  5.『성교절요(聖敎切要)』의 영향
  6.『아가다 성녀전기』의 영향
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 하태진 Tae-Jin Ha. 전주대학교 사학과 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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