


조선전기 통신사의 개념과 성격


The Conception and Characteristics of Tongshinsa in the Early Chosun Period


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to analyze the conception and characteristics of Tongshinsa(通信使) in the early Chosun period. First, 'Tongshinsa', or 'Shinsa', was created as a delegation dispatched from Chosun to nother countries. This relationship called Kyorin(交隣) during the early Chosun period. Later, Tongshinsa was only dispatched to Edobakuhu(江戶幕府), Japan. During the early Chosun period, the Chosun Gukwangsa(朝鮮國王使) tried to dispatch twenty-four times, but only went to Kyoto(京都), Japan nineteen times. This envoy had several names: Tongshingwan(通信官), Hyeresa(回禮使), Hyeregwan(回禮官), Chogwan(朝官). However, the names of these envoys were used differently, according to changes in Chosun´s diplomatic policy toward Japan. Later, the name of Tongshinsa was chosen. The dispatch of Chosun Gukwangsa is divided by four periods. The envoys of the first period had been dispatched for the purpose of Bobing(報聘) and Hyere(回禮), These envoys showed appreciation, courtesy, and gratitude for the repression of Waegu(倭寇) and the return of Korean prisoners who were captured. The names of the envoys were Hyeresa(回禮使), Hyeregwan (回禮官), and Chogwan(朝官). The Second period of Chosun Gukwangsa was called Tongshinsa. The purpose of this period of displomacy was the celebration of the new Shogun(將軍) and to show condolence for the passing of the old Shogun(將軍). The third period envoy was called Thongshinsa, and was sent to observe Japan's domestic atmosphere. Although the envoys of the fourth period were also named Tongshinsa, at that time it had very different characteristics from the original envoy. During the early Chosun period, Tongshinsa did not have standard rules and regulations to reach an agreement between Chosun and Japan, unlike the later Chosun period. Ashikaga Bakuho(足利幕府) didn't ask Tongshinsa to come nor inform the Chosun Dynasty about the death of the old Shogun. Despite this, the reasons why the Chosun government dispatched Tonshinsa were creating a foreign policy emphasizing the relationship of Kyorin (交隣) with neighboring countries; preventing the expansion of problems related to Waegu(倭寇) and ensuring security by creating a path for negotiation to solve pending issues between Chosun and Japan. Secondly, unlike the later Chosun period, all costs for the detachment of Tongshinsa were paid for by the Chosun government. Thirdly, Tongshinsa in the early Chosun period had political and diplomatic exchanges between Chosun and many Daimyo(大名), or regional leaders, including Bakuhu. Later, Chosun diplomacy only focused on Bakuhu, this point are very important characteristics of the early Chosun period. Eventually, the Chosun government was disappointed by the rude diplomatic attitudes of Ashikaga Bakuhu and the weakness of Japan's central government. During the early Chosun Dynasty, the Chosun government had lost its influence with Japan. After that, the Chosun government stopped dispatching Tongshinsa.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 통신사의 개념
 Ⅲ. 조선국왕사 파견실태와 통신사 정비 과정
 Ⅳ. 조선전기 통신사의 성격
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 장순순 Soon-Soon Chang. University of British Columbia, 한국학연구소(CKR) 방문연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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