

The Critical Pedagogy for the Women in the Church


Hyun Sun Oh

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The theory of critical pedagogy based upon a feminist perspective encourages women to confront with their current situation, past and the future both in the private and public lives. It challenges women to animate themselves and change society and the individual rather than to maintain the status quo. In this article, I have insisted the importance of proper education empowering women in the church with some points. Firstly, I explained the educational programs that provoke women’s sense of subjectivity and self knowledge. Programs are inspired by scholars of the critical pedagogy and have been practiced with women in the church. Secondly, I have tried to make a dialogue between the critical theory of education and experience of workshop group which is formed with women. I have utilized the theories of Maria Harris, Paulo Freire, and bell hooks in this process. Christian Women have shown four stages which are hesitation, awakening, expulsion of myth, and hope as the process of transformation and liberation. Beyond the individual limitation as a woman and social discrimination from the patriarchal culture, the Christian women realize the responsibility that God has given to them through the educational support in the church. The process of liberation is fulfilled by the way of critical thinking and reflection which is a fruit of the critical pedagogy


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. The Explanation of Educational Programs with Christian Women
  1. Bringing Some Questions and Sharing
  2. Drawing a Historical Line of Individual Life and Sharing Life-Stories
  3. Symbols and Silences
  4. Journals and Hopes
  5. Stories of the Forgotten Women
  6. A Study of the Church Law (The Presbyterian Church of Korea)
  7. A Bible Study
 Ⅲ. A Dialogue with the Critical Pedagogy and the Workshop with Women in the Church
  1. Hesitation
  2. Awakening
  3. Expulsion of the Myth
  4. Hope
 Ⅳ. Critical Reflections from the Workshop with Women in the Church
  1. An Eagerness for the Searching “Who I am”
  2. The Power of Communal Sharing
  3. The Lack of Education for the Feminist Perspective in the Church
  4. The Re-Building of Women’s Tradition and History
 Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Hyun Sun Oh Honam Theological University and Seminary


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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