

미국의 한국어 학습자 의식 조사 연구


A Study of an Attitude survey on Korean Language Learners in the United States.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Hyunsik Min. 2010. A Study of an Attitude survey on Korean Language Learners in the United States. Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture. Vol. 7-1. 145-171. A research on the actual condition of Korean language learners in American universities was conducted. The Korean language learners are divided into heritage learners and non-heritage learners. As Korean language has become popular, the number of non-heritage learners is increasing. The learning period of Korean language of the heritage learners is about eight years in average and that of the non-heritage learners is ten months. One-third of children of overseas Koreans has never visited motherland thus it is necessary to promote diverse motherland-visiting programs to help youth of overseas Koreans have pride in their motherland. The learning motivation of the non-heritage learners is very high whereas that of the heritage learners is low. Thus Korean language courses offered by weekend Korean language schools should be acknowledged by giving valid credits from the office of education and be connected to Korean language courses at college so that they can take the Korean language courses continuously. Kimchi, Bulgogi, Taekwondo, and Hangeul appeared in high rank of Korean cultural items. Education of Korean history is very insufficient thus supplementation is necessary. The work to improve the image of Korea should be done simultaneously for the progress of Korean language education in future.(Seoul National University)


 1. 머리말
 2. 한국어 학습자의 분포와 학습 경험
  2.1. 학습자 분포
  2.2. 한국어 학습 경력
  2.3. 한국 방문 경력
 3. 한국어 학습의 동기, 계기, 환경
  3.1. 학습 동기
  3.2. 한국어 학습의 계기
  3.3. 한국어 학습 환경
 4. 한국어 학습 선호도
  4.1. 한국어 학습 지속 열망도
  4.2. 국제어로서의 외국어 중요도
  4.3. 외국어 학습의 선호도
 5. 한국 문화 인식도
  5.1. 한국의 이미지 인식
  5.2. 남북한에 대한 이미지
  5.3. 문화 내용 인지도
 6. 맺음말


  • 민현식 Hyunisk Min. 서울대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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