In this study, It was researched the case study of practice for science education using science museum in Japan. We selected Osaka Science Museum. This science museum was established by Osaka prefecture which was evaluated as a positive science museum acting scientific activities for students and participants. The implications of this study are follows. First, science education in school or out of school such as science museum was needed to be familiar with their tradition and cultures. Second, the science museum should be important to have several programs to acquire needs of people in science education. Third, it also needs to research continuously that those who practice science education, and they have to make their students understand by their research results. Fourth, in order to develop science education, science specialists and science educator to be joined for science festivals, it should be actively utilized.
I. 서론
II. 본 론
1. 오사카 시립 과학관(Osaka Science Museum)소개
2. 오사카 과학관 프로그램
3. 오사카 과학관 동호회 활동
4. 오사카 과학관에서 실시하는 청소년 연구 활동
5. 오사카 과학 교사 연구 모임-온센
III. 맺음말