

Implications of Mangrove Wetland in Socio-environmental Sector: Experiences from Southeast Coast of Chittagong, Bangladesh



Wetlands perform various functions of vital socio-ecological significance playing fundamental role in moderating monsoon tidal floods and coastal protection and generate goods and products such as fish and forest resources. The depletion of mangroves is a cause of serious environmental and economic concern to many developing countries. Problems of sustainability
of mangrove ecosystems are not only technical but also socio-economic. Functions played by mangrove wetlands are of fundamental importance for society. The present study aims to identify the challenges of the mangrove wetlands of Southeast coast of Chittagong, their uses and socio-economic influence on local people, and the value of ecosystem services, and to suggest how
to conserve this ecosystem in a more equitable way.


  Study areas
  Socio-economic influence on local people
  Those involved in mollusc and turtle egg collection and processing
  Crab catchers
  Other uses
  Ecosystem service value
  Challenges to mangrove wetlands
  Wetland management
  Suggestions for sustainable development


  • Md. Hadayet Ullah Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh
  • Md. Atiqul Islam Mondal Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh
  • Md. Riaz Uddin Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, University of Chittagong, Chittagong 4331, Bangladesh
  • Md. Azim Ferdous Environmental Conservation, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemical and Environmental Science, University of Greenwich, England.


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