

Lex Credendi to Lex Orandi? - The Eucharistic Sacrifice Controversy in the Sixteenth Century -


Kim, Hyung-Rak

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the sixteenth century, the controversy of the Eucharistic sacrifice emerged as a result of Luther’ concerns that the doctrine of the Eucharistic sacrifice of the Roman Church was considered even deficient or blasphemous. For the reformers including Luther, this contradiction that existed between the Eucharistic rite and Eucharistic theology was one of the major reasons for the reformers’ opposition to the Roman Church. This liturgical conflict between the reformers and the Roman Church also caused a separation in the way the rituals of the Protestant Eucharistic liturgy and the Roman Catholic Mass were practiced.
Succeeding the notion of 'Eucharistic sacrifice' of the Christian leaders of the early Christian church, the medieval Roman Catholic scholars developed this notion as one of the most important Eucharistic theologies as well as the doctrine of Eucharistic change, transubstantiation. This notion, however, misused in practical area unlike its theological area, and theological notion is even related to the corruption of Roman Catholic Mass.
Confronting to Roman Catholic Church's misuse of the doctrine of 'Eucharistic sacrifice,' the reformers shaped their own Eucharistic liturgies. Especially, Martin Luther objected the Roman Catholic notion of Eucharistic sacrifice, very severely.
The reason for his rejection was that the notion of Eucharistic sacrifice of medieval Roman Catholicism was the theological basis of benefit of grace by God through the Eucharist that church practiced. Luther deleted all kinds of orders in medieval Roman Mass that were related to the notion of Eucharistic sacrifice because it contradicted to Luther's theological slogan of reformation, "Sola Fidei!" This controversy presents an important example that the doctrine (lex credendi) influenced the liturgy (lex orandi) in Protestant tradition.


I. Introduction
 II. The Development of the Notion, the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Medieval Scholars: Lombard, Aquinas, Scotus, Biel, and Cajetan
  1. Peter Lombard
  2. Thomas Aquinas
  3. Duns Scotus and Gabriel Biel
  4. Cardinal Cajetan
 III. The Controversy of Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Reformation Period
  1. Practical Abuses and Problems of the Roman Mass
  2. Martin Luther's Response to the Medieval Eucharistic Sacrifice
 IV. Conclusion


  • Kim, Hyung-Rak Lecturer of Seoul Theological University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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