

WEB기반 GIS를 활용한 관광정보시스템 개발사례 연구


Experimental Study for Tourism Information System on Web-based GIS

연상호, 최승국

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently tourists could use the Tourism Information System by accessing various digital image data and the advanced geographical methods on the GIS environments. Air photos and satellite sensor images were basically used for generating the 3-D spatial images to match with the map coordinates using elevation data from digital topographic files, and to match the 3-D spatial image contents through perspective view condition composed along the designated roads until arriving at the corresponding location. This new Information system will provide people with guidance to get to cultural assets in the web-based environments. It will also be more convenient for tourists to get the Tourism information and to locate it easier in the corresponding area. In the meantime, the tourists will be able to decide their destination effectively and it would raise the customer's satisfaction in the field of Tourism education and Tourism development business.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 고찰
  1. GIS기반 관광정보시스템 개념과 특징
  2. 선행연구
  3. GIS활용 주요 지자체 관광정보시스템 구축사례
 III. 연구과정 및 내용
  1. 준비작업 및 대상지역 조사
  2. 2차원 공간정보 생성 및 편집
  3. 3차원 지형공간 정보생성 및 편집
  4. 자동 길 안내 시뮬레이션 제작
 Ⅳ. 결론 및 시사점


  • 연상호 Yeon, Sang-Ho. 세명대학교 호텔관광학부 교수, 연구/관심분야: 지역관광개발, 국제관광, 관광정보시스템.
  • 최승국 Choi, Seung-Kuk. 세명대학교 토목공학과 교수, 연구/관심분야: 도시개발, 지리정보시스템, 건축과 문명발달사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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