피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
1. Introduction
2. Korean Feminist Theologyand the Biblical Interpretation
1) The Hi story of Bi bl i cal I nterpretati on (1880-1979)
2) The 8eginning of Korean Feminist Theology in 1980’s
3) Types of 8iblical Interpretation
4) Summary and the Tasks to be Achieved
3. An Exanψle of Feminist Theological Interpretationπle Story of the Female Shaman at Endor (I Sam. 28)
1) Invitation to Shamanism
2) From co existence, Through Confrontation, to Abolition
3) A feminist consideration about shamanism
4. Conclusion
5. BiblÏography
2. Korean Feminist Theologyand the Biblical Interpretation
1) The Hi story of Bi bl i cal I nterpretati on (1880-1979)
2) The 8eginning of Korean Feminist Theology in 1980’s
3) Types of 8iblical Interpretation
4) Summary and the Tasks to be Achieved
3. An Exanψle of Feminist Theological Interpretationπle Story of the Female Shaman at Endor (I Sam. 28)
1) Invitation to Shamanism
2) From co existence, Through Confrontation, to Abolition
3) A feminist consideration about shamanism
4. Conclusion
5. BiblÏography
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보