

Comparative Analysis of Users’ Perception in Internet commerce and Mobile commerce Adoption



Understanding user perception on internet shopping with different platforms is getting important, according to the growth of smart phone’ user.
Especially the intentions to use Internet commerce and mobile commerce, is important in explaining the fact that these commerce have been growing at an exponential rate in recent years. This paper tries to study variables, identified by literatures, which causes the users’intention for mobile commerce in contrast with internet commerce. In order to understand and manage the electronic commerce activities on different platforms, the differences of users’perception are investigated. The theoretical model proposed in this paper is intended to clarify the factors as they are expected to affect the users’intention for each platform.


 Theoretical Background
  Mobile commerce
  Technology Acceptance Model
  Analysis and Results


  • Hyoung-Yong Lee School of Business Administration, Hansung University
  • Hyunchul Ahn School of Mangement Information Systems, Kookmin University


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