A Study on the Interaction Factors Mfecting the Quality of Long Term Care Service for the Elderly
This study was to investigate the factors for quality improvement of long term care service and to suggest practical plans related to them. To analyze how service provider. factors and c1ient factors affect the service quality, 30 directors of long term care. facilities, 328 long term. care workers and 333 c1ients were surveyed and the implications are as below.
In the interaction effect of facility factors in c1ient factors and provider factors, it was shown that c1ient' s age and foundation period, director’s length of service, recognition and reward, leadership, participation in decision-making,' role conflict, and role ambiguity had an interactive effect on service quality. There was also' an interactive effect of c1ient' s age and director’s previous occupation, role overload, and task identity on service quality. Client’ps residential district interacted with director’s previous occupation, director’s length of service, recognition and reward, feedback, and task identity and affected service qu떠ty. Also, c1ient’ps care-receiver interacted with the central operating body, director’s total career, director’s ptevious occupation, and significance and affected service quality. Client' s extemal communication interacted with education and development and c1ient’ps physical condition interacted with the central operating body, director's previous occupation, and role overload.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 때경
1. 선행연구의 동향
2. 노인장기요양서버스의 구성내용
3. 서버스 질의 개념
4. 서버스 질에 영향을 미치는 요언
III. 연구방법
1. 연구모형
2. 조사대상
3. 조사도구
4. 자료수집
5. 자료분석
IV. 조사결과
1. 연구모형 분석
V. 노언장기요양서버스 질을 향상하기 위한 방안
VI. 결론