


초기교회 여성사역과 오늘날의 과제


Women’s Ministry in the Early Church and Its Agenda for Today


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The early churches, as the successor of Jesus’ ministry, could be a model or prototype for today’s church ministry. Reviewing the early churches’ view of women’s ministry is able to teach the today’s church significantly. An effective criterion to review the women’s ministry in
the early churches is the time of institutionalization of the church. Around during first and second centuries, churches were not fully institutionalized and their women’s ministries were as equal as men’s in most ministerial areas. Women actively served the churches as disciples, apostles, prophetesses, and teachers. During the third and fourth centuries, Christian churches went through the process of institutionalization deeply and the churches tried to fit themselves into
the Roman society in which women were very discriminated. Regardless enormous prejudicial obstacles, women ministers served the churches as deaconess, widows), virgins, teachers, and martyrs. Women’s ministry in the early churches gives the following valuable lessons for today’s Evangelical churches in Korea. First, according to the Bible and good early churches’ traditions, Korean Evangelical churches need to remove the several sexual discriminations for women ministers. Secondly, Korean women ministers need to develop their unique ministerial areas very hard. Thirdly, educational institutions in theology should provide the appropriate education for women students in both theoretical and practical areas.


I. 들어가는 글
 II. 펴는 글
  1. 신약시대의 여성과 신약성서의 여성사역자
  2. 초기교회 주요 지도자의 저술과 기타 주요 문헌에 나타난 여성
  3. 초기교회의 제도화 과정에 나타난 여성사역자의 역할
  4. 오늘날의 과제
 III. 나가는 글


  • 양병모 Yang, ByungMo. 침례신학대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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