Knowing a language means knowing its grammar. It is postulated that native speakers, have at their disposal an internal system of rules and principles which enables them to produce well-formed sentences, and also to evaluate the sentences they are confronted with, and to replace an unacceptable sentences they are confronted with, and to replace an unacceptable sentence by an acceptable variant. Even native speakers have to study a linguistic system in some detail to describe why a sentence is unacceptable or what determines its interpretation. In order to do so anyone who wants to do it will have to deploy concepts such as subject, object and structure. Also grammatical analyses of English sentences had to be done. Various and deep analysis of the patterns of grammar structure can help understand diversity of English sentences. Especially current and practical materials such as highschool textbooks and SAT's for University Entrance have been dealt with to increase the actual effectiveness of making grammatical knowledge explicit. This kind of process originally came from the basic question that "how human beings can generate sentences?" or "what kind of sentences human being are using?" To answer these questions the study on Structural Type of English Sentence in Highschool Textbooks and S.A.T.'s for University Entrance has been made. This analysis must be helpful for teaching students English composition and reading in secondary or tertiary education.
3. 통사구조 유형별 구분
3.1. 주어-동사 유형
3.2. 주어-동사-보어/목적어 유형
3.3. 여러 가지 변형 유형
3.4. 도치
3.5. 생략
3.6. 접속사 있는 문장의 통사구조 유형
4. 결론
A. 교과서 관련 인용 목록
B. 수학능력시험 관련 인용목록
- 1(2001) High School English, 서울, 금성출판사
- 2(2001) High school English, 서울, 시사영어사
- 3(2001) High School English, 서울, 법문사
- 4(2001) High School English, 서울, 현대영어사
- 5(2001). High School English Conversation. 서울: 케이스.
- 6(2001) High School English, 서울, 중앙교육진홍연구소
- 7(2001) High School English, 서울, 능률영어사
- 8Guidelines to design a proficiency oriented test for college entrance exams of English.네이버 원문 이동
- 9(2001) High School English, 서울, 지학사
- 10(2001) High School English, 서울,장원교육