


Effect of glucuronic acid monomers on the production of bacterial cellulose



Various strains of bacteria have been found to produce the cellulose having similar chemical structure to that of plant cellulose but different physical and chemica
properties. In fact the bacterial cellulose (BC) has much improved properties, regarding its mechanical strength, biocompatibility, water holding capacity, degree of polymerization and ultra fine and highly pure fiber network. However the dilemma of its quantitative production is still a hot issue. Massive efforts have been made to enhance the BC production so as to make it commercially encouraging and better substitute of plant cellulose. Besides investigating the new and cheaper carbon sources for BC production one additional approach presently in progression is the addition of supplementary additives to enhance the BC production. Glucuronic acids are notably involved in the biochemical pathway of bacterial cellulose production. In our previous studies the use of glucuronic acid oligomers as an additional substrate showed positive effect on the BC production.
In present study glucuronic acid monomers were used to find their effect on the production of BC and Water soluble oligosaccharides (WSOS). Experimental results show that BC production in both static and shaking cultures was increased to a great extent with the addition of 0.5 ~ 4.0% glucuronic acid monomers.
Maximum of 2 and 1.5 times production of BC and WSOS respectively have been achieved compared to control after 10 days in both shaking and static cultures


  • Ul Islam MAZHAR Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Taegu 702-01, Republic of Korea.
  • Jung Hwan HA Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Taegu 702-01, Republic of Korea.
  • Nasrullah SHAH Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Taegu 702-01, Republic of Korea.
  • Joong kon PARK Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Taegu 702-01, Republic of Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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