

동물 및 식물세포공학

Purification and characterization of trypsin from transgenic rice cell suspension culture



Bovine trypsin (EC is a pancreatic serine protease that is widely used for biotechnological applications and pharmaceutical preparations due to its high specificity and good storage stability.
Recombinant trypsin has been produced in a number of systems, including cell culture, bacteria and yeast. Since these expression systems have some problems (potential contamination with infectious agents and commercial-level production), recombinant trypsin molecules for the desired biotechnological applications have to be provided from new expression hosts. Recombinant bovine trypsin (rbtrypsin) was produced in transgenic rice cell suspension culture under the control of rice α-amylase 3D promoter (RAmy3D) which is highly expressed rbtrypsin (20 mg/L) during sugar starvation. The pure active rbtrypsin (5 mg/L) was purified by ion-exchange chromatography and it had a specific activity of 300 units/mg of protein in a standard TAME assay. These results means that the rbtrypsin form transgenic rice can replace animal-derived trypsin in the processing of pharmaceutical proteins. (This Study was supported by a grant from the Next Generation New Technology Development Project of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy).


  • Sung-Kun YIM Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360.
  • Eun-Sun JEUNG Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360.
  • Yun-Ji SHIN Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360.
  • Hyo-Boon KIM Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360.
  • Ju KIM Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360.
  • Hong-Soo DOO Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360.
  • Ji-Ae YANG Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360.
  • Min-Woo NAM Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360.
  • Moon-Sik YANG Division of Biological Sciences, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756.
  • Tea-Ho KWON Jeonju Biomaterials Institute, Jeonju 561-360.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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