

세포치료 및 조직공학

Efficacy Test of Reconstructed DP-like Tissue Employing MSCs for New Therapy of Alopecia



The methods currently used for treating alopecia have some limitations.
The number of hair transplantation restricts less than 3 times because total transplantable hair number is no increase. To overcome these problems, researchers have attempted the in vitro culturing of hair follicle cells and implanting these cells in the treatment area. In the present study, culture expanded mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that do not possess aggregative activity were used to produce cell-aggregated spheroidal dermal papilla like tissues (DPLTs) with the aid of a special culture condition in vitro, and hair follicle inductive capacity pertinent to the aggregative activity was then evaluated. Isolated and cultivated MSCs from bone marrow and umbilical cord in vitro. After propagated MSCs underwent preconditioning in dermal papilla forming medium (DPFM), then subcultured MSCs formed self-aggregated DPLTs. We compared real human scalp dermal papilla cells (hDPCs) with DPLT employing DPCs, DPLT employing hBM-MSCs and DPLTs employing hUC-MSCs.The DPLTs have the same hair follicle inductive ability as natural dermal papilla (DP) tissue in vitro. As a result, MSCs from bone marrow and umbilical cord may be an applicable and novel cell source for the generation of human hair cell therapy.


  • Bo-Young YOO Dongguk University Research Center of Biotechnology, Seoul, Korea, 100-715.
  • Hee-Hoon YOON Dongguk University Research Center of Biotechnology, Seoul, Korea, 100-715.
  • Youn-Ho SHIN Dept. Pathology, College of Medicine, Chung-ang University, Seoul, 156-756.
  • Kye-Yong SONG Dept. Pathology, College of Medicine, Chung-ang University, Seoul, 156-756.
  • Jung-Keug PARK Dept. Medical Biotechnology, Dongguk University, Seoul, 100-715.


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