

환경생물 및 에너지

Application of Renewable Biomass Technologies for Zero Carbon City



In order to make the best choice for CO2 abatement using renewable energy technologies, it is important to be able to adapt these technologies on the basis of their sustainability, which may include a variety of environmental indicators. This study examined the comparative sustainability of renewable technologies in terms of their life cycle CO2 emissions and embodied energy, using life cycle analysis.
The models developed were based on case studies of bioenergy pilot plant in Pocheonsi of nothern Kyungki province. The comparative results showed that power generation of biogas was associated with 0.96 kWh/m3biogas and the reduction of CO2 emission was 2.1kg of CO2 /kgBiomass, other environmental indicator using wood pellet was -0.717kg of CO2 /kgBiomass. These indicators applied to gain a complete picture of the technologies studied in the regional area. Final results were total emission of CO2 in Pocheonsi is 448,210 tCO2, around 399,877 tCO2 for electricity and for heat generation, and 47,450 tCO2 for transportation. When used 1,984 m3/day of waste (pig manure etc.) and operated CHP with wood pellet of 220,000 m3/year, the CO2 emission in Pocheonsi was left as is an emission of 230,070 tCO2 and an abatement of CO2 in this region was increased by 49.9%.


  • Young PARK Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Daejin Univeristy, 487-711.
  • Mi-Kyung PARK Prundle Co., 487-881.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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