Previously we successfully identified a previously-unknown novel pleiotrophic global down-regulator named a whiB-like gene A (wblA ,SCO3579) using a Streptomyces interspecies DNA microarray analysis [1], followed by additional identification of another antibiotic down-regulator SCO1712 which encodes a putative tetR-family transcriptional regulator [2]. Interestingly, wblA is not necessarily required for SCO1712 to function as an antibiotic down-regulator from RT-PCR analysis results, implying that SCO1712 is more likely to encode a wblA-independent antibiotic down-regulator. S. coelicolor M145ΔwblAΔSCO1712 double knockout mutant strain exhibited the highest antibiotic actinorhodin volumetric productivity comparing with the S. coelicolor M145 wild type and S. coelicolor M145ΔwblA strains.
To generate a regulatory network-optimized Streptomyces strain for high expression of foreign gene cluster, the entire actinorhodin biosynthetic gene cluster was deleted from the chromosome of this double knockout S. coelicolor M145ΔwblAΔSCO1712 mutant strain, followed by the heterologous expression of several foreign gene clusters. The more detail results will be discussed.