

포스터 발표 : 미생물공학

Evaluate bioluminescence and fluorescence to predation test



Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus(BALOs) is predatory bacteria, small rod shape, and very motile.
BALOs grow to predate other bacteria, especially gram negative bacteria. Many people tried to figure out an easy way to study of BALOs predation. But they are very small , so it was very hard to show optically. So, this study focused on the prey bacteria which were various based upon the optical properties. For this study, pUCDK and pHKT3 were transformed into E.coli MG1655, and they show bioluminescence and red fluorescence, respectively. First, test was MOI test. This test result show bioluminescence decreased depends on BALOs number. In second test, it shows bioluminescence and optical density depend on predation time and BALOs number. For making different BALOs, BALOs were treated different physical conditions. Bioluminescence was decreased depend on predation time, and BALOs numbers. For visible effect we tested not only biolumenescence but also fluorescence. Fluorescence is RFP, but RFP was not decreased like bioluminescence, so we determined biuminescence is better than fluorescence for visible predation test. For different BALOs number, BALOs treated different method, filteration or centrifugation or both, and centrifugation is most effective. So, determine centrifugation affection, we change the centrifuge speed, and predation test was done. The result was centrifuge speed is effected collect BALOs number. References 1. Carey Lambert, Karen A Morehouse, Chien-Yi Chang and R Elizabeth Sockett, Bdellovibrio: growth and development during the predatory cycle, Bdellovibrio: growth and development during the predatory cycle(2006), ScienceDirect, 9:639-6442. Amy C. Vollmer, Shimshon Belkin, Dana R, Smulski, Tina K, Van Dyk, and Robert A.
Larossa, Detection of DNA Damage by Use of Escherichia coli Carrying recA'::lux, uvrA'::lux, or alkA'::lux Reporter Plasmids(1997), Applied and Environmenal Microbiology, 2566-2571


  • Da-sol KIM Department of Nano-Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering, UNIST, Ulsan.
  • Robert James MITCHELL Department of Nano-Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering, UNIST, Ulsan.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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