

학생 구두 발표 (박사 구두 발표) : 좌장 : 김양훈(충북대)

Mussel Adhesive Protein-Based Electrospun Nanofibrous Membrane for Tissue Engineering



Nanofiber technology has been used for the fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds that provide the three-dimensional extracellular matrix-like structure. Biodegradable synthetic polymers, which have a good mechanical property and are able to be easily manipulated, have been conventionally used as materials of nanofiber scaffold. However, these materials have limitations such as poor cell adhesion ability, and no bioactive motifs.
Mussel adhesive protein (MAP), fp-151 was previously produced by recombinant DNA technology and also showed a great cell adhesion, spreading and proliferation ability when they were coated on tissue culture plate surfaces. In this work, we used the typical electrospinning procedure to fabricate the novel MAP-coated polycaprolactone and MAP / polycaprolactone composite nanofibrous membrane by varing the ratio of polycaprolactone and MAP concentrations. Characterization of nanofibrous membrane was performed by scanning electron microscopy images, FT-IR, contact angle, and tensile strength. And also, the cell behavior effect of MAP on these nanofibrous membrane was tested using MC3T3-E1, mouse pre-osteoblast cell line.


  • Bum Jin KIM School of Interdisciplinary Bioengineering and Bioscience, POSTECH, Pohang.
  • Yoo Seong CHOI Department of Chemical Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang.
  • Seonghye LIM Department of Chemical Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang.
  • Hyung Joon CHA School of Interdisciplinary Bioengineering and Bioscience and Department of Chemical Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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