

학생 구두 발표 (석사 구두 발표) : 좌장 : 이상현(건국대)

Preparation of microparticles of functional pigments by gas-saturated solutions process using supercritical carbon dioxide and polyethylene glycol



Particle design is presently a major development of supercritical fluids applications, mainly in the paint, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and specialty chemical industries. Supercritical fluids have been successfully used to obtain composites or encapsulates, which comprise an active compound loaded into a matrix of a carrier material, in order to improving product preservation as well as controlling the dissolution rate of the active compound. The particles from gas-saturated solution (PGSS) process has been used to micronize suspensions of different substances in polymer melts, in order to obtain composite materials. The particle formation of functional pigment with biodegradable polymer, polyethelene glycol (PEG) was performed by supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) in a thermostated stirred vessel. PGSS were carried out in different temperatures and pressures to measure the optimum condition for the formation of functional pigment particle (pressure from 20 MPa to 25 MPa, temperature from 40 to 50°C). The average diameter of functional particles was about 0.8-1.4 μm however the average diameter of unprocessed particles was 430 μm. At higher temperature and pressure PEG contained higher amount of functional pigments. The recovery of functional material as particle with PEG was very high. The highest recovery was found at high temperature and pressure.


  • Kyungtae KWON Institute of Food Science, Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, Korea.


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