

Marine Biomaterials Symposium : 좌장 : 차형준(POSTECH)

Novel Trials to Control Harmful Algal Blooms in Seawater



Algae commonly infest and grow in bodies of water, particularly water exposed to the sun or other sources of light. Algae overgrowth threatens seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, spas, pools, industrial water systems, sea farms and other bodies of water. Especially in seashore, the overgrowth of harmful algae leads to the harmful algal blooming (HAB) or red‐tide. The HABs caused by blooming of Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Chattonella marina, and Heterosigma akashiwo have continuously threatened the fisheries as well as public health. Chemicals have long been added to water bodies to remove the algae problem in a small scale. Such chemicals are referred to “algae control agents” if they either kill algae (i.e. are algicidal) or arrest the growth of algae (i.e. are algistatic) when an effective amount of the chemical in question is dispersed in a body of water. The traditional method to remove the HABs in the sea is the spraying of yellow soil (clay). The purpose of our research project is to develop an epoch‐making and fundamental technology for the eradication of HABs. Novel methods includes the synthesis of ecofriendly synthesized algicidal compounds, sol‐gel synthesized organoclays, production of recombinant algicidal peptides and encapsulation of these compounds into the virus capsid that could be targeted to specific HAB.


  • Si Wouk KIM Department of Environmental Engineering, Chosun University Pioneer Research Center for Controlling of Harmful Algal Bloom, Korea.
  • Hyun-Jae SHIN Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Chosun University
  • Hoon CHO Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Chosun University
  • Un-Sun JIN Department of Biology, Hanyang University
  • Yun-Kyung PARK Department of Biotechnology, Chosun University


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