

Biomass for Bioenergy and Biorefinery Symposium : 좌장: 이진석(한국에너지기술연구소), 심상준(성균관대)

Glycerol as a source for biofuels and chemicals



In recent years, biodiesel production has increased considerably because it is an environmentally friendly and renewable alternative diesel fuel.
During the production of biodiesel, a large amount of raw glycerol is generated as a by-product in the range of 10% (w/w) of biodiesel production. Biodiesel manufactures are faced with limited options for managing raw glycerol, which may become an environmental problem since it cannot be directly disposed of in the environment. The tremendous increase in the glycerol supply has led to a remarkable drop in its price about 2.5 cents/l b of raw glycerol in 2006, making it attractive to develop novel technical methods using glycerol as a raw material. One of the possible applications is its use as a carbon and energy source for microbial growth in industrial biotechnology.
Glycerol can be biologically converted to various chemicals such as 1,3-propanediol, butanol, 2,3-butanediol, 3-hydroxypropionic acid, ethanol, etc. In this talk, biological production of biofuels and chemicals from glycerol will be presented and discussed.


  • Youngsoon UM Clean Energy Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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