

Biomass for Bioenergy and Biorefinery Symposium : 좌장 : 한성옥(고려대)

Biofuel production from concentrated acid hydrolysates of mixed wood wastes



The feasibility of ethanol and butanol production from construction and demolition (C&D) wood wastes acid hydrolysate was investigated. The chemical compositions of classified C&D wood waste were analyzed.
The concentrated sulfuric acid hydrolysis was performed to obtain the saccharide hydrolysates and the inhibitors in hydrolysates were also analyzed. The C&D wood waste composed of lumber, plywood, particleboard, and medium density fiberboard (MDF) have the polysaccharides (cellulose, xylan, and glucomannan) fraction of 60.7 –67.9%. The C&D wood waste showed a different sugar composition (glucose, xylose, and mannose) according to a type of wood. The additives used in the processing of wood seem not to be released into mixed sugars solution under acid hydrolysis. The C&D wood wastes carried into the landfill site could be a feedstock as the raw material for the production of bioethanol and biobutanol.


  • Yong Hwan KIM Department of Chemical engineering, Kwangwoon University, Korea.
  • Dae Haeng CHO Department of Chemical engineering, Kwangwoon University, Korea.
  • Soo-Jeong SHIN Department of Wood & Paper Science, Chungbuk National University, Korea.
  • Yangwon BAE Department of Chemical engineering, Kwangwoon University, Korea.
  • Chulhwan PARK Department of Chemical engineering, Kwangwoon University, Korea.


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