

장비워크샵 : 좌장 : 장재형(연세대)

[LightCycler System] Basic Principle and application of Real-Time PCR



With the LightCycler® family of PCR systems, Roche Applied Science has set a standard in real-time PCR. LightCycler® Instruments are well known for their speed, accuracy, and flexibility, which are due to the symmetrical "one-well–like"design, air-based heating and cooling, and the use of capillaries as reaction vessels. Following along the same lines, the new LightCycler® 480 System efficiently facilitates the delivery of higher sample throughputs when performing gene expression or mutation analysis in life-science research. For the first time, a real-time PCR platform now offers the LightCycler® Systems’ unique combination of accuracy and speed for multiwell-plate based assays with comparable performance with 96- or 384 sample throughputs, and for all relevant qPCR applications. In addition, the highly modular concept of the LightCycler® 480 System hardware and software allows scientists to customize the system to best suit their laboratory’s specific research needs.


  • Geunhee HAHN Roche Diagnostics Korea Co., LTD., Korea.


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