

Asian Federation of Biotechnology International Symposium :Co-organized by Asian Federation of Biotechnology : Chairs: Duk Jae OH(Sejong University, Korea), Virendra S. BISARIA(Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)

Screening of some of the important Himalayan medicinal plants of Nepal and explore the possibilities of using them as industrial products



Standing of Nepal for traditional medicine is well known. The healers and tribe community are well reputed for their skills in herbal medicine and natural food. High geographical diversity of Nepal made it rich in varieties of flora and fauna which reported as potential sources of drugs. Nepal contains 701 species of medicinal plants (246 are endemic to the country), out of which 75% occupies in high altitude and Himalayan range. At present, large volumes of herbal plants are illegally traded to neighboring countries which enters back to Nepal as herbal medicines in various trade names. Over 70% of drug in Nepal is imported from India, Bangladesh and other abroad countries. Nepal exports USD 8.1 million (approx) worth of crude herbs only to India. Screening of such important medicinal plants of Nepal, finding their importance in drugs, cosmetics or food value and utilization of them in industrial purpose could lead to create a great research potential in Nepal. Besides this, identification of the chemical components present in biologically active extracts of those plants can help to produce better drugs in the country. Many edible plants with drug value can directly be used as a component of food in daily household foods too. Importance of a constant and co-operative model of research industry is essential in Nepal at present which could enhance the area of research and resource of new foods, cosmetics and drugs in this country and the world. The research carried out in three different plants of Himalayan region showed high potency in antimicrobial, cytotoxic and antiproliferative activities which needs to go ahead for further characterization.


  • Janardan LAMICHHANE Janardan Lamichhane, Department of Biotechnology, Kathmandu University, Nepal


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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