

IBE-KSBB Joint Symposium Chair: Mark R. RILEY(The University of Arizona, USA) Hei Chan LEE(SunMoon University, Korea)

Introduction of KSBB



KSBB was established in 1985 to support the development of biotechnology and to provide service to members for collaborative research. KSBB is the representative society of biotechnology in Korea. Organized by members (over 2,500 individuals and 72 organizations) from various BT areas, academics, research institutes, and industries, KSBB strives to support biotechnology development through the following activities.
1. Collaborative research and exchange for the development of biotechnology
2. Academy-Industry collaboration for practical research
3. Organizing and supporting conferences, symposiums and training workshops
4. Publication of journals, newsletter, and proceedings
5. Proposing national BT policies
6. Promoting biotechnology exchange among nations


  • Eunki KIM Department of Biological Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea


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