

국제선 공항 여객터미널의 적정 규모 분석


Analysis of Propriety Size of International Airport Passenger Terminal


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Driven by the increase of the economic power of the nation, the number of overseas travellers is increasing each year due to the enhancement of the living quality of nationals, and in order counteract the demand of international line passengers by it, a number of new airports were constructed and existing airports were extended since the 1990s. In this accord, Incheon airport, Cheongju airport, Yangyang airport, Muan airport, Gimhae airport and Daegu airport etc were newly constructed or extended. However, since 2000, international airports are facing difficulty due to the increase and decrease of air traffic demand due to various complicated social changes. Increase and decrease of air traffic causes the problem of overs and shorts phenomenon compared with existing passenger terminal. Therefore, this study examines valid size of passenger terminal by surveying and analyzing international air traffic demand. The calculated overs and shorts of passenger terminal areas of each airport will be used as objective basic data in establishing utilization plan to actively counteract the change of air traffic demand of international airport passenger terminals later on by offering valid size by each airport.


본 연구에서는 국내의 국제선 항공수요 변화 요인을 고찰하고 각 공항별 항공수요에 따른 여객터미널의 적정한 규모를 분석한다. 이에 따른 각 공항의 여객터미널 면적의 과부족을 객관적인 기준에 의해 정량적으로 산정하여 각 공항별 적정규모를 제시함으로써 향후 국제선 항공수요의 변화에 능동적으로 대처 할 수 있는 국제선 공항 여객터미널의 활용계획 수립시 객관적인 기초자료가 되도록 한다.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
 2. 국제선 여객수요 증감 고찰
  2.1 국제선 여객수요 변화 영향 요인
  2.2 공항별 여객수요 증감 분석
  2.3 공항별 지리적 특징 및 공항역할 분석
 3. 공항별 여객터미널 적정규모 분석
  3.1 연간여객수요 및 피크시 여객수 분석
  3.2 피크시 여객 1인당 소요면적과 여객 서비스수준
 4. 여객서비스수준을 고려한 공항별 적정규모 분석
  4.1 대형거점공항 여객터미널 적정규모분석
  4.2 소형거점공항 여객터미널 적정 규모 분석
 5. 결론


  • 박정근 Park, Chung-Keun. 제주대학교 건축학부 조교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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