

기획특집 : 역사도시 서울과 조선궁궐 IV-대한제국기 경운궁(덕수궁)

경운궁(慶運宮)의 양관(洋館)들 - 돈덕전과 석조전을 중심으로 -


A Study on Yangkwan or Western Style Buildings in Keong’un Palace during the Great Han Empire


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to observe Yangkwan or Western Style Buildings in the Ky ng’un Palace during the Great Han Empire. In this study, I focused on Tont kj n and S kchoj n. And I also considered Kwanmunkak in the Ky ngbok Palace as a precedent. For relative study, I also surveyed the Rokkumeikan in Japan, the ‘Iolani Palace in Hawaii, and the Ho Kham or Golden Palace in Laos. In this study I found that Tont kj n and S kchoj n were used as reception hall for foreign envoys, guest hall for national guests, royal ceremonies hall, daily spaces for royal families. And I also knew that Yangkwan or Western Style Buildings in non-european countries are closely related with directions and policies of modernization. Therefore, the idea that constructions of Yangkwan destroyed the Ky ng’un Palace is excessively one sided. Rather, constructions of Yangkwan cleary demonstrated the belief that innovations must be based on established foundations. That is the ideal of the Great Han Empire, Kubon sinch’am.


I. 머리말
 II. 경운궁의 양관들
  1. 선례 - 경복궁 관문각
  2. 돈덕전
  3. 석조전
  4. 비교 - 다른 나라의 양관
 III. 맺음말


  • 우동선 Woo, Don-Son. 한국예술종합학교 건축과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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