


노조전임자의 선임, 업무 그리고 급여 - 최근 대법원 판례의 분석


An Analysis on the Judicial Precedents concerning the full time unionist


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There are a lot of studies on the full time unionist, and also this theme attracts much attention from working groups concerned. This could be a sign which shows that this theme is very important in the both fields. In addition, the latest revision of Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act raises a sharp controversy on the role and legal status of the full time unionist. Meanwhile, there have been three Supreme Court decisions concerning crucial legal issues on the full time unionist. The first one of the three decisions is about the right of labor union to administrate the full time unionist system. The second one is about the range of the full time unionist's role. The last one handles the question whether the full time unionist has the right to require wages even during the strike.
This article deals with these three judgements from the point of view which supports autonomous industrial relations. Shortly speaking, the Supreme Court took a tough stance toward the current full time unionist system, which leads to restrict or reduce the labor union's discretion on the organization operation and setting up the strategy against the management. This judicial attitude might obstruct the progress of the check and balance function between labor and management, because it could be a heavy burden on the labor side unilaterally. Considering the important fact that the improved labor-management relation is the foundation for job stability and economic growth, the Supreme Court should have taken a more flexible and forward-looking attitude on the full time unionist system.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 II. 노조전임자의 법률관계
  1. 기존의 논의와 판례의 태도
  2. 새로운 견해들
  3. 전임자 계약과 전임자의 근로계약
 III. 노조전임자제도 운용권과 권리남용(대법원 2009. 12. 24. 선고 2009도9347 판결14)15))
  1. 사실관계의 요지
  2. 1심 법원 판단19)의 요지
  3. 항소심 법원 판단20)의 요지
  4. 대법원 판단의 요지
  5. 노조전임자의 선임권과 항소심의 판단
  6. 노동조합 전임운용권의 한계 법리
 IV. 국회의원 출마와 노조전임자의 업무범위(대법원 2009. 5. 28. 선고 2007두979 판결30))
  1. 사실관계의 요지
  2. 판단의 요지
  3. 노조전임자와 사용자의 관계
  4. 노동조합 업무의 범위
 V. 파업과 노조전임자의 급여(대법원 2009. 12. 24. 선고 2007다73277 판결37))
  1. 사실관계의 요지
  2. 1심 서울중앙지방법원 판단의 요지
  3. 서울고등법원44)과 대법원 판단의 요지
  4. 전임자 급여의 법적 성격
  5. 흥국생명주식회사의 약정금지급의무
 VI. 나가며


  • 전형배 Jun, Hyoung-Bae*. 강원대학교 법학전문대학원 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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