

Study on the Effects of the Recovery Time, Diameter of Canine Oocytes on In Vitro Fertilization and ICSI



These study was carried out to investigate the effects of the recovery time, diameter of oocytes on in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The in vitro maturation rates to MII stage of oocytes recovered at the inactive, follicular and luteal stages matured for 72 h were 1.4±0.0%, 43.4±3.2% and 10.8±2.7%, respectively. The fertilization rates of in vitro cultured oocytes recovered from ovaries at the in active, follicular and luteal stages were 0.0±0.0%, 15.7±3.4% and 7.6±3.5%, respectively. The in vitro maturation rate of oocytes recovered from ovaries at the follicular stage of the reproductive cycle was significantly higher than those at the inactive and luteal stages (p<0.05). The penetration rate determined that the percentages of oocytes with diameters in the <100 μm, 100 to 100 μm and 110 to 120 μm ranges were 17.5±4.7%, 43.9±4.5%, 21.3±3.4%, respectively. The penetration rate of oocytes with diameters between 100 to 110 μm was significantly higher than that of oocytes whose diameters were 100< μm and 110~120 μm (p<0.05). The penetration rate of oocytes determined that the percentages of ovaries with diameters between 1 to 5 mm and 6 to 10 mm were 32.9±3.2% and 17.5±3.7%, respectively. Thus, the diameters of the ovaries were significantly higher at 1 to 5 mm (p<0.05). A total of 264 oocytes were fixed and stained after co-incubation with sperm, of which 72 had identifiable nuclear material. After in vitro fertilization for 20 hrs, 27.3% of oocytes were penetrated by spermatozoas. Oocytes were fixed and stained after ICSI, of which 38 oocytes contained identifiable nuclear material. After in vitro fertilization and ICSI for 20 hrs, to 27.3% and 67.9% of oocytes were penetrated by spermatozoas. The in vitro fertilization rates by ICSI was significantly higher than that in vitro fertilization method (p<0.05).


  Recovery and Incubation of Oocytes
  In Vitro Maturation of Oocytes
  In Vitro Fertilization of Oocytes
  ICSI of Oocytes
  Assessment of Meiotic Stage and sperm Penetration
  Statistical Analysis
  In Vitro Fertilization of OOcytes at Different Reproductive Stages
  The Penetration Rate of Oocytes at Different Diameter
  In Vitro Fertilization of Oocytes


  • Ji-Hoon Park College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University
  • Man-Hee Rhee College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University
  • Sang-Keun Kim College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University


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