

돼지 임신 진단을 위한 Heterologous ELISA법 개발


Development of Heterologous ELISA System for Diagnosis of Pregnancy in Swine

박성민, 이안나, 윤택준, 박용수, 송태준, 김영훈, 안효선, 박원철, 김종배

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Early diagnoses of pregnancy for animal such as swine and bovine is extremely important to increase income of a farmhouse and for the management of farm. For the development of immunoasaay system of pregnancy in swine, we report a competitive heterologous enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the direct measurement of oestrone sulfate (E1S) in diluted urine using anti-E1G (glucuronide) monoclonal antibody which cross react with E1S. The principle of assay was based on the typical solid-phase competitive ELISA methods using E1G-HRP (horseradish peroxidase) as a tracer and E1S for standard. The method had a reasonable sensitivity for the detection of E1S with 0.15 ng/ml as a detection limit. The intra-assay and inter-assay precisions were raging coefficient of from 8.50~9.67% and 8.50~9.87%, respectively, which were quite acceptable. In a field trial with a group 37 sows (18 non-pregnancy and 19 pregnancy sows) after day 29~30 post service, the concentration of E1S were determined to be below 30 ng/ml in all non-pregnancy group and over 48 ng/ml in pregnancy group except one sample. The method described here, heterologous ELISA for the measurement of E1S in urine is good enough for monitoring the early pregnancy test of swine.


 재료 및 방법
  돼지뇨 시료 확보
  EIG에 대한 항체
  EIG-HRP Conjugate 합성
  EIG-HRP 및 항체의 적정 농도 결정
  항체의 선절
  EIS에 대한 표준곡선의 작성
  반복성 및 회수율 조사
  돼지 뇨 중의 EIS 함량 측정
  EIG-HRP Conjugate의 분리 및 농도 결정
  ELJSA 표준곡선 작성을 위한 항체의 적정 농도 결정
  EIS 측정을 위한 표준곡선 작성
  반복성 및 회수율(Recovery) 조사
  실제뇨를 이용한 임신과 비임신뇨 측정


  • 박성민 Sung Min Park. 한동대학교 생명과학부
  • 이안나 An Na Lee. 한동대학교 생명과학부
  • 윤택준 Taek Joon Yoon. 유한대학 식품영양과
  • 박용수 Yong Su Park. 경북축산기술연구소
  • 송태준 Tae Jun Song. 한동대학교 생명과학부
  • 김영훈 Young Hoon Kim. 한동대학교 생명과학부
  • 안효선 Hyosun An. 한동대학교 생명과학부
  • 박원철 Won Choul Park. 건국대학교 생명공학과
  • 김종배 Jong Bae Kim. 한동대학교 생명과학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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