

인사청문회의 법적 근거와 문제점


The Issues and the legal bases on Personnel Hearing


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, the National Assembly had held on personnel hearing in order to examine the approval bill for appointments of candidate for the Prime Minister and candidates for a member of the State Council appointed by the President.
Personnel Hearing is to be a system for holding in check on the Presidency by a verification procedure of National Assembly, before the President appoints the senior officials.
Personnel Hearing is verifying the right competence and qualification for official position of a candidate for high official position appointed. However, the candidates have handicap of morality surrounding camouflaged move-in, real-estate speculation, and tax evasion, revealed by the recent personnel hearing.
Recent personnel hearing on candidate for high official position appointed results in that the President appoints several candidate to a member of State Council, withdraws nomination of two candidate for a member of State Council and withdraws nomination of a candidate for the Prime Minister.
In according to withdraws, the new personnel hearing shall be held on a candidate for the Prime Minister and two candidate for a member of State Council.
Recent personnel hearing on a candidate for the Prime Minister, and candidate for a member of State Council, a candidate for the Commissioner of the National Tax Service and a candidate for the Commissioner General of the National Policy Agency had concentrated on finding faults and political attack for candidate, had overlooked the competence for high official position and morality of candidate.
This point of time, we have to reexamine the system of the personnel hearing by the Nation Assembly.
In this paper, I will examine on the meaning, the background, the function, the legal bases, and the scope of candidate on the personnel hearing. Also I will propose the reform measures of the personnel hearing after I will examine the issues on personnel hearing on candidates for high official position, without the constitutional bases.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 인사청문회의 의의, 배경 및 기능
  1. 인사청문회의 의의
  2. 인사청문회의 배경 및 법적 근거
  3. 인사청문회의 기능
 Ⅲ. 현행 인사청문회의 문제점
  1. 국회의 동의를 요하는 공직 후보자
  2. 국회의 동의를 요하지 않는 헌법재판소 재판관․중앙선거관리위원회 위원 등
  3. 국회의 동의를 요하지 않는 국가정보원장․검찰총장․국세청장․경찰청장 등
  4. 국회의 동의를 요하지 않는 국무위원
  5. 소결
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 김강운 Kim, Kang-Woon. 원광대학교 임시법학부 시간강사·법학연구소 책임연구원, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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