

Tree Traversal and Linearization in Korean


Myung-Kwan Park, Euhee Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper explores how to convert hierarchical syntactic structure to linear word order. Rather than taking the more popular ideas such as the head parameter hypothesis by Chomsky (1981) or the strict mapping hypothesis by Kayne (1994), we take the mapping parameter approach proposed by Kural (2005) which attributes typologically different word orders to different algorithms of mapping hierarchical structure onto linear strings. In particular, we show that the concept of preorder, inorder and postorder tree traversals in computer science can be employed as mapping algorithms to turn a universal base structure to VSO, SVO and SOV word orders. Furthermore, the tree traversal algorithms account for in-situ properties of wh-expressions and VP-internal subjects in languages like Korean, in addition to doing away with multiple applications of leftward movements needed in Kayne's (1994) system. We also demonstrate how the tree traversal algorithms can be properly designed and computer-implemented to yield relevant word orders in typologically different languages


 1. Introduction
 2. Tree Traversal Algorithms
 3. Traversing Syntax Trees
 4. Some Caveats of the Tree Traversal Algorithms
 5. Linearization without the Operation of Extract
 6. Extension: Some Cnsequences of Tree Agorithm Based Linearization on Remnant Movement, wh-movement and the VP-internal Hpothesis
 7. Summary and Conclusion


  • Myung-Kwan Park 박명관. Dongguk University
  • Euhee Kim 김유희. Shin Heung College


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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