

Notes on Copy Raising Constructions in English


Kiyang Kwon, Wonbin Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, we will investigate properties and various analyses of copy raising (CR) constructions in English, and suggest the parallel movement analysis. We will propose that CR subject is raised to [Spec, T] of the matrix clause from [Spec, T] of the embedded clause. Simultaneously, the edge-feature (EF) of C in the matrix clause forces CR-subject to be moved to [Spec, C] of the matrix clause from [Spec, T] of the embedded clause. Copy raising constructions are ambiguous between a thematic and a nonthematic reading for the subject. To capture the duality of CR subject, we suggest that the non-thematic use of CR subjects is possible in case that the copy in [Spec, T] of the matrix clause is pronounced at PF component among three copies of CR subject, based on the parallel movement analysis. In contrast, the thematic use of CR subjects is available in case that the copy in [Spec, C] of the matrix clause is pronounced at PF component among three copies of CR subject. Given these proposals, we will conclude that the parallel movement analysis can explain properties of CR subject in English


 1. Introduction
 2. General Properties of CR Constructions
 3. Thematic Status of the Subject of CR Predicates
 4. Various Analyses of CR Constructions
  4.1. The Movement Analysis of CR
  4.2. The Base-Generation Analysis of CR
  4.3. The CP-Predication Analysis of CR
  4.4. The Parallel Movement Analysis of CR
 5. Conclusion


  • Kiyang Kwon 권기양. Youngsan University
  • Wonbin Lee 이원빈. Daejeon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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