


중국의 한국어 문화교육 의의와 내용에 대한 고찰


Study on the Significance and Contents of Korean Cultural Education in Chinese Universities.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Study on the Significance and Contents of Korean Cultural Education in Chinese Universities. The Language and Culture 6-2: 23-43. Due to the establishment of Sino-Korean diplomatic relations, Korean teaching in China progressed rapidly and made remarkable achievements. However, cultural education gained inadequate attention due to the improper emphasis on the implemental and pragmatic functions of language, which not only does not conform to the tide emphasizing cultural education in foreign language teaching circle, but also restricts the overall improvement of Korean teaching. It has been 18 years since Korean teaching in China began to develop on a large scale and Korean education has entered into a mature stage. At this crucial moment, reflections on Korean cultural education in China becomes more meaningful and significant. In view to this, this paper studies Korean cultural education in Chinese Universities and points out the problems in this field. The paper examines the significance of cultural education in Korean teaching from the aspects of emotional cognition, linguistic capability, cultural understanding and humanistic cultivation. At last, the paper, combining the objects of education, proposes nine major contents of education in hope that it will do some good to the improvement of Korean teaching in China.


 1. 머리말
 2. 한국어 문화교육의 문제점
  2.1 문화교육의 중요성 인식 부족
  2.2 문화교육 전용교재 부재
  2.3 교사의 문화 지식 결핍
  2.4 교육 방법 개발 문제
 3. 문화교육의 의의
  3.1 학습 동기 강화
  3.2 학습 흥미 유발
  3.3 언어 능력 신장
  3.4 대화거리 제공
  3.5 한국 사회에 대한 이해력 제고
  3.6 한국 문화사회 적응력 배양
  3.7 문화적 수양 증진
 4. 한국어 문화교육 내용 구성
  4.1 언어 문화 지식
  4.2 언어 예절
  4.3 의식주행 문화
  4.4 전통 습속 문화
  4.5 여가 생활 문화
  4.6 민속 문화
  4.7 현대 예술문화
  4.8 문화유산
  4.9 정신문화
 5. 맺음말


  • 임효례 Ren, Xiao-Li. 鲁东대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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