

Wood and Leaf Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release from Tectona grandis Linn. f. in a Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest of Rajasthan, Western India



The present study was conducted to quantify wood and leaf litter decomposition and nutrient release of a dominant tree species, Tectona grandis Linn. F. in a tropical dry deciduous forest of Rajasthan, Western India. The mean relative decomposition rate was maximum in the wet summer and minimum during dry summer. Rainfall and its associated variables exhibited greater control over litter decomposition than temperature. The concentrations of N and P increased in decomposing litter with increasing retrieval days. Mass loss was negatively correlated with N and P concentrations. The monthly weight loss was significantly correlated (P < 0.05) with soil moisture and rainfall in both wood and leaf litter. Tectona grandis was found to be most suitable tree species for plantation programmes in dry tropical regions as it has high litter deposition and decomposition rates and thus it has advantages in degraded soil restoration and sustainable land management.


  Study Area
  Experimental design
  Chemical Analysis
  Relationship of mass loss with abiotic variables


  • J. I. Nirmal Kumar P.G. Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology for Advanced Studies and Research (ISTAR)
  • P. R. Sajish P.G. Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology for Advanced Studies and Research (ISTAR)
  • Rita. N. Kumar Department of Bioscience and Environmental Science, N.V. Patel college of Pure and Applied Sciences
  • Rohit Kumar Bhoi P.G. Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology for Advanced Studies and Research (ISTAR)


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