

한·일 고등학교 역사교과서의 임진왜란 서술과 인식


Description and awareness about the Japanese invasion of 1592(Imjin Wearan, 壬辰倭亂) in highschool history textbook of Korea and Japan.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is aimed at reviewing whether the high school history textbooks of both Korea and Japan, which are two parties of the Japanese Invasion of 1592(Imjin Wearan), describe the Imjin Wearan from an impartial and objective point of view, and clarifying how the perception of the war expressed in historical descriptions has influenced the awareness which two countries have of the counterpart. The history textbooks of two countries show a tendency to describe specifically the success(or victory) of his or her own country, and to evade the description of their failure(or defeat). Besides, Korea imputed every war guilty to Japan, the invader, and Japan did not reflect actively the standpoint of Korea, the victim even though she admitted the fact of invasion. Nevertheless, unlike Korea which has the only one history textbook, Japan has eleven history textbooks, among which there is a textbook like “High School Japan History B(Jitkyo)”, which describes actively the invasion of Japan and the suffering of Korea.


 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 전쟁 발발 배경에 대한 서술 비교
  1. 豊臣秀吉의 대륙침략계획
  2. 임진왜란 직전의 조선-일본 외교
  3. 임진왜란의 발발과 명칭문제
 Ⅲ. 전쟁의 전개 과정에 대한 서술 비교
  1. 전쟁 초기의 전황
  2. 조․명 연합군의 반격
  3. 명-일본 강화협상
 Ⅳ. 종전과 전쟁의 영향에 대한 서술 비교
  1. 정유재란과 종전
  2. 조선에 끼친 전쟁의 영향
  3. 일본과 명에 끼친 전쟁의 영향
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김덕원 Kim, Duckwon. 고려대학교 교육대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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