

경찰 청렴도 향상방안에 관한 실증적 연구


A Study on police integrity improvement plan positive research - Based on questionnaire survey of Police officer -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Study which it sees from like this point of view including a theoretical background in about police integrity and integrity of foreign nation police countermeasures and the incumbent police officers in the object one police integrity relation question investigation with character one investigation analysis with base presented an alternative in about police integrity improvement plan.
First, reinforced of public servant. Respects this stands the public servant in compliance with a ceremony and the sense of mission which is penetrating police officer each person is public servant of the citizen must be established.
Second, It is a reinforcement of ethical education. Later there will be a necessity which will magnify the ethical educational time from the police educational institution, together the ethical education which is a utility including the contents of ethical education must become accomplished.
Third, It is a Expulsion of authoritarianism. There is a possibility the police believing the possibility the citizen having the recognition which is police who serves in order to be, problem points of authoritarianism boldly, must reform.
Fourth, It is a service circumstance improvement. Grant level of the police government employee to civil enterprise level upward a public servant of the citizen to regulate it inspires the self-conceit core in about sense of mission and police position to make.
Fifth, It is a reinforcement of inspection activity. With alternative reinforcement of the inspection necessary personnel and magnification it converts interchange inspection with etc. usual inspection system executes, altitude under process the inspection activity which is efficient must be developed.
Sixth, It is an excellent instance benchmarking of the abroad agency and Foreign nation police. The possibility in order of raising a fairness and a reliability to be to about police service, British police civil appeal small (PCA), civil appeal investigation civil commission of New York (CCRB) and independent police commission (IPCC) of Hong Kong the establishment of the same external independent civil police civil appeal charge organization is demanded.
Seventh, It is a Exclusion of asking pressure. In order to exclude a same asking pressure stand the empty stomach ceremony which what compared to police officer each person is penetrating and ethical ceremony must be cultivated.
Eighth, It is a corruption manned interception of the outsider. The police must intercept the corruption manned of like this outsiders oneself because being control and regulative authority.
Ninth, It is a just cultural establishment. It raises the police integrity to liquidate culture, it makes. The citizen’s blood relationship, regional relationship, the crane the corruption ring which is tied in delay they liquidate and constitutional government first of all under at the time of the conversion of recognition is necessary.
Tenth, It is a tie reinforcement of civic society. Change of police administration the police assert and the citizen and these groups it considers the contents which demands and will embody the police administration which it does with them together the necessity which it proposes.


최근 들어 발생하고 있는 엽기.이상범죄로 인해 국민들은 범죄의 공포에서 벗어나지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 전국 각지에서 발생하고 있는 흉악.강력범죄로 인해 사회불안이 가중되고 있는 시점에서 경찰은 누구보다도 사회안정과 법질서확립 그리고 국민들의 보호에 앞장서야 한다.
하지만, 이러한 중대한 시점에서 빈발하고 있는 각종 경찰비위 행태는 국민들을 경악케 함으로써, 국민들로부터 존경의 대상은 차지하고 비난의 대상으로 자리매김하고 있다. 경찰이 청렴하지 못한 것은 여러 가지 원인이 있을 수 있다.
경찰의 청렴도 저하는 결국 공권력의 실추를 가져와서 치안서비스의 부재로 연결되어 결국 그 피해는 국민들에게 고스란히 전가된다고 할 수 있다.


 I. 서론
 II. 경찰 청렴도에 관한 이론적 고찰
  1. 경찰부패의 개념
  2. 경찰청렴도의 개념
  3. 경찰부패와 관련된 범죄학의 제이론
  4. 경찰부패의 원인
 III. 외국경찰의 부패통제 전략 비교분석
  1. 영국경찰
  2. 미국경찰
  3. 홍콩경찰
  4. 일본경찰
 IV. 조사분석
  1. 표본선정
  2. 표본의 특성
  3. 분석결과
 V. 경찰청렴도 향상 방안
  1. 공복의식 강화
  2. 윤리교육의 강화
  3. 권위주의 추방
  4. 근무여건 개선
  5. 외국경찰․타 기관 우수사례 벤치마킹
  6. 청탁압력 배제
  7. 외부인 부패유인 차단
  8. 정의적 문화청산
  9. 시민사회와의 유대강화
 VI. 결론


  • 김광석 Kim, Kwang-Seok. 경찰청 감찰계, 계장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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