

방범용 CCTV의 범죄억제 제고 방안에 관한 연구 - 강남구청 관내 설치ㆍ운용중인 CCTV를 중심으로 -


A Study on the Increasing Plan of the Crime Control Effectiveness of the Closed circuit TV(CCTV) for the Crime Prevention


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We live in an affluent society that is due to rapid economic growth. Various social conflicts and an increase in crime rates, caused by harmful effects of materialism, is what rooted this to become a public issue. Crime aspect is developing into something more intellectual and violent. These crimes against unspecified individuals, without concrete motive, are more tragic than usual. Because of this, it is hard to search for witnesses or any type of evidence that may relate. It has become even harder to secure the statement from the witness and the associated people because of their fear of retaliation.
Property-owners that were affected from these existing crimes committed demand for changes to be made within the paradigm to reduce crime. So, an arrest-oriented crime plan switched into a precaution-oriented counter plan called Crime Prevention Through Environment Design (CPTED). This new plan is adopted by many highly developed countries, such as Great Britain, as an active way in preventing crime. CCTV is another part of this technique and is now in growing focus of the media.
In our country, Seoul Gangnam first introduced five CCTVs as an efficient anti-crime measure in the year 2002. There was nothing but positive feedbacks from its first-time users. And now every home-owner is spending much of their finances for the installation of CCTV programs nationwide.
It has been five years since, and CCTV is among the most essential means of preventing crime. It has been depended on by many for the arrestment of those who do unlawful activities. They were installed in earnest. The purpose of this research is to inspect the effectiveness of the policy since it can be assumed that five years is long enough to be proven effective. First, examine the validity of existing opinion that is in relation to preventing crimes and the amount of arrested criminals since using CCTV. Second, make an alternative plan for keeping the measure in good working order by analyzing questionnaires from monitoring personnel and related staff.
To achieve the purpose of this research, I have examined the CCTV used in Gangnam police station and how efficiently they are used as a means of preventing crime. Also, I have reviewed over the case studies based on existing reports and statistical data on CIMS(Crime Information Management System). I have surveyed and interviewed the police officers who working Gangnam police station, along with the monitoring personnel, about their views and expectations of CCTV. By doing so, I have tried to verify the effectiveness of CCTV that were installed in the first-line police stations, and grasp for more effective ways of using it efficiently.


이상에서 살펴본 바와 같이 현대사회에서 CCTV는 이제 없어서는 안 될 생활필수품과도 같이 되었고, 영국 등 CCTV의 선진국들의 운용사례나 우리나라의 여러 연구결과에서도 알 수 있듯이 일부 분석이나 검증의 미비 문제를 둘러싼 논란의 여지는 있지만 대체적으로 CCTV가 범죄예방과 검거에 있어 효과가 있다는 것이 인정되고 있는 현실이다. 더욱이 유영철 사건이나 정남규 사건 등과 같이 전 국민들에게 큰 충격을 준 극악무도한 무동기 범죄나 여러 가지 테러 위협으로부터 시민들을 안심시키고 위험요소를 사전에 제거하며 최소화하기 위해 서는 일반적인 범죄예방활동이나 수단만으로는 해결하기 어려운 부분이 있는만큼 CCTV의 존재 가치를 부인하기는 어렵다고 할 것이다.


 I. 서론
 II. 방범용 CCTV에 관한 이론적 배경
  1. CCTV의 개념
  2. CCTV의 설치유형
  3. 방범용CCTV의 활용의 순기능
  4. 방범용CCTV의 역기능
  5. CCTV 관련 범죄예방이론
 III. 외국의 CCTV 운용사례
  1. 영국
  2. 미국
  3. 독일
  4. 프랑스
  5. 일본
 IV. 강남경찰서 방범용 CCTV 운용 현황
  1. 도입배경
  2. 추진경과
  3. 강남경찰서 관내 전체로 확대 설치
  4. CCTV 활용 효과 분석
 V. 방범용 CCTV의 문제점과 효율적 운용 방안
  1. 녹화자료 인터넷 해킹 방지를 위한 제도적 보완
  2. 모니터링 요원 확보 및 교육의 문제
  3. 방범용CCTV의 성능 개선
  4. 관제센터 건립 추진
 VI. 결론


  • 조연익 Yeon Ik Cho. 강남경찰서 형사계장, 경감


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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