

무용전공 학생들의 참여동기 질문지 개발


The Development of Participation Motivation Questionnaire for the Students Majoring in Dance

김광범, 권은주

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was intended to explore the concept of the participatory motive shown in the training and performance of the students majoring in dance proper to the dance environment. For this purpose, it attempted to develop the questionnaire capable of measuring the participatory motive based on its concept and identify the level of dance majors' participatory motive based on the developed questionnaire on the participatory motive. 1. Exploration for the concept of the participatory motive in dance A total of 923 raw data on the concept of the participatory motive perceived by the students majoring in dance were obtained, and an attempt was made to classify them into the general domain, the detailed domain and the sub-domain through their deductive analysis. As a result, they were classified into three general domains(internal motive, external motive and no motive), six detailed domains(enjoyment, psychology, future self-development, physical formation, recommendation-internal control and no motive). 2. Production of the question item on the participatory motive An attempt was made to classified the raw data on the concept of the participatory motive of students majoring in dance. Then the question items were made to measure their participatory motive based on the sentences of the raw data expressing the concept of the motive to participate in the detailed domain. The number of question items by detailed domain was 5 ~ 13 items, and the factors in each detailed domain included a total of 44 items such as 13 items on enjoyment, 5 items on psychology, 8 items on future(self-development), 5 items on physical formation, 5 items on recommendation(inner control), 8 items on no motive. 3. Analysis of the items on the participatory motive An examination of the mean and standard deviation of each item showed that there was no item in which the extreme value(mean: over 4.5 and SD: below 1.0) in every item. And it was found that there were no items that had more than ±2.0 of skewness and kurtosis. And it was found that there was no items that had over 50% of the response ratio of each item but all items were appropriate. 4. Analysis of the reliability on the item of measurement on the participatory motive An attempt was made to conduct the reliability analysis on each factor for the items tested through item analysis. As a result, the Cronbach's alpha of two items on the enjoyment factor and the future factor(self-development factor), one item on the recommendation(internal control factor) and no-motive factors and the physical formation factor were found to be higher than the total value three times and twice, respectively when they were excluded. So they ware judged to be inappropriate and excluded. 5. Exploratory factor analysis of the measurement items of the participatory motive Four inappropriate items were excluded through the 1st exploratory factor analysis and then the 2nd exploratory factor analysis was conducted. As a result, the number of factors was found to seven, and it was found that the value of factor loading was proper in the items of the sub-domain on seven factors excluded in totality and that there were items that explained to the other items in common. 6. Designation and reliability of the extracted factor of the construct of the participatory motive Each items were designated by analyzing the sub-domains of the factors of the construct of the participatory motive through item analysis, reliability analysis and exploratory factor analysis. The first factor was designated as the enjoyment factor, the second as the no-motive factor, the third as the future - self-development factor, the fourth as the recommendation -inner control factor, the fifth as the physical formation factor, the six as the performance factor and the seventh as the psychological factor.


무용 전공학생들의 참여동기 질문지가 즐거움요인―9문항, 무동기요인―6 문항, 장래-자기개발요인―5문항, 권유-내적규제요인―4문항, 신체조형요인 3문항, 공연요인―3문항, 심리요인 3문항, 총 33문항으로 개발되었으며, 무용 전공학생들의 참여동기 하위요인들은 즐거움과 공연, 심리, 장래자기개발, 권유-내적규제, 신체조형 그리고 무동기요인으로 나타났는데, 즐거움과 장래-자기개발, 권유-내적규제, 신체조형 그리고 무동기요인의 경우는 신체의 움직임, 즉 운동을 다루는 체육이나 스포츠 장면에서의 참여 동기와 유사한 결과가 나타났으나 공연이나 심리적요인의 경우에서는 무용만의 고유하고 독특한 요인으로 나타나 차후, 무용장면에서의 동기에 대한 연구는 체육이나 스포츠장면과 변별력을 두고 연구해야 할 필요성이 있다. 그리고 본 연구에서 무용 전공학생들의 참여동기 비교에서 나타났듯이 중학교 무용 전공학생들의 경우에서는 즐거움을 강조하는 동기유발로 강화되어야 할 것이며, 고등학교와 대학교로 올라갈수록 신체조형요인과 심리적요인, 장래-내적규제요인을 강화시키는 동기유발이 필요하며, 무용 전공학생들의 동기를 감소시키는 무동기요인의 대처 방안에 대한 지속적인 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이라고 사료된다.


1. 서 론
 2. 연구방법
  2.1 연구대상
  2.2 조사도구
  2.3 연구절차
  2.4 자료처리
 3. 연구결과
  3.1 무용에서의 참여동기 개념 탐색
  3.2 참여동기 측정도구 개발 및 통계적 검증
  3.3 참여동기 측정 문항 확인적 요인분석
 4. 논 의
  4.1 참여동기 측정 예비 척도 개발
  4.2 참여동기 질문 문항에 대한 문항분석
  4.3 참여동기 측정 문항 신뢰도 분석
  4.4 참여동기 측정 문항 탐색적 요인분석
  4.5 추출된 참여동기 개념의 요인 명명 및 신뢰도
  4.6 참여동기 측정 문항 확인적 요인분석
 5. 결론 및 제언


  • 김광범 Kim, Kwang-Bum. 한양대학교 강사
  • 권은주 Kwon, Eun-Joo. 세종대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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