

Materials, Properties, and Electronic Devices

Application of reflow soldering method for laminated high temperature superconductor tapes



A lamination system using reflow soldering was developed to enhance the mechanical properties of high temperature superconductor (HTS) tape. The laminated coated conductor tape was fabricated using the continuous lamination process. The mean, maximum, and minimum tensile loads in a T-peel test of the laminated coated conductor were 9.9 N, 12.5 N, and 7.6 N, respectively. The critical current (Ic) distributions of the non-laminated and laminated coated conductor were compared using a non-contact Hall probe method. The transport Ic nearly matched the non-contact Ic; however, some degraded Ic regions were found on the length of 800 cm of laminated coated conductor. We confirmed that the cause of the partially degraded Ic was due to an increase in line tension by (1) solidification induced by a change of composition that usually occurs in molten brass (Cu, Zn) in solder, or (2) non-homogeneity of the thickness of the coated conductor or metal tapes. We suggest that reflow soldering is a promising method for reinforced HTS tape if the controlling solder thickness and lamination guide are modified.




  • Nam-Jin Lee Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Sang-Soo Oh Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
  • Ho-Sup Kim Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
  • Dong-Woo Ha Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
  • Hong-Soo Ha Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
  • Rock-Kil Ko Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
  • Hyung-Seop Shin School of Mechanical Engineering, Andong National University
  • Do-Jun Youm Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


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