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HTS 선재에 따른 초전도 핵융합 마그넷용 고온초전도 전류도입선의 개념설계


Conceptual Design of High-Tc Superconducting Current leads for Superconducting Nuclear Fusion Magnets with respect to various HTS tapes

장재영, 장기성, 김영재, 최석진, 조현철, 주승열, 고태국

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Superconducting current leads are indispensible for reducing power loss when subjecting current into superconducting magnets. HTS(High-Tc superconducting) current leads are divided into two types; one is bulk type and the other is tape type. In this paper, conceptual design on the HTS current leads which adopts tape type for nuclear fusion magnets is carried out using magnetic field analysis and thermal analysis. When large current flows through superconducting current leads, strong self magnetic field is generated and applied to the superconducting tapes. This phenomenon leads to the critical current decrease of the superconducting tape. Therefore, we analyzed magnetic field distribution of current leads and found the proper arrangement with respect to the various HTS tapes. In addition to the magnetic field analysis, heat leak through the current leads was also calculated to know which HTS tape is superior than others in thermal aspect. Magnetical field analysis and calculation of heat leak are performed to design 2 kA class HTS current leads


 1 . 서론
 2. 자기장 해석을 통한 통전전류 결정
 3. 열침입 계산을 통한 전류도입선 설계
 4. 결론


  • 장재영 J.Y. Jang. 학생회원, 연세대 대학원 전기전자공학과 박사과정
  • 장기성 K.S. Chang. 학생회원, 연세대 대학원 전기전자공학과 박사과정
  • 김영재 Y.J. Kim. 학생회원, 연세대 대학원 전기전자공학과 박사과정
  • 최석진 S.J. Choi. 학생회원, 연세대 대학원 전기전자공학과 박사과정
  • 조현철 H.C. Jo. 학생회원, 연세대 대학원 전기전자공학과 박사과정
  • 주승열 S.Y. Chu. 학생회원, 연세대 대학원 전기전자공학과 석사과정
  • 고태국 T.K. Ko. 정회원, 연세대 전기전자공학과 정교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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