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단면이 원형인 토로이드 권선의 자속밀도 계산


Magnetic Field Calculation of Toroidal Winding with Circular Section


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A magnetic field calculation method for toroidal type winding which has circular section was developed. At first, the equation for magnetic field by single filament coil was extended using numerical integration to estimate the entire interesting region of solenoid, especially winding region itself. And then, the magnetic field by toroidal arrangement of solenoids was computed with a coordinate transformation of vector fields. The superconducting magnet with toroidal arrangement can be made up of several tens of solenoid type double pancake windings for some applications such as superconducting magnetic energy storage system(SMES). In this system, the field calculation on the high-Tc superconducting(HTS) tape itself is very important because the entire system can be reached to a fault by magnetic stress of conductor or the critical current of superconducting tape can be dramatically reduced under its self field condition. To make matters worse, 3-dimensional analysis is indispensable for this type of magnet and the most of commercial programs with finite element method can be taken too much time for analysis and design. In this paper, a magnetic field calculation method for toroidal type winding with circular section was induced.


 1. 서론
 2. 본론
  2.1. 솔레노이드에서의 자속밀도 계산
  2.2 토로이드형 권선의 자속밀도 계산
 3. 검증 및 해석 예
 4. 결론


  • 이상진 Sangjin Lee. 정회원, 위덕대학교 에너지전기공학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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