

영어 명사구의 인지적 해석에 관한 연구


Cognitive Interpretation of English Noun Phrases


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims at investigating cognitive aspects of meaning in the referential use of indefinite noun phrases and then suggesting that a cognitive phychological explanation is plausible and desirable in the cases that indefinite noun phrases may be interpreted referentially. For that aim I argued against the semantic ambiguity of indefinite noun phrases and then for the cognitive account for the referential interpretations of indefinite noun phrases which can be preferable to a semantic-ambiguity analysis.
In a cognitive account, the speaker's communicative intention, which is understood in the context, is more important than linguistic interpretations or the intended referents of referential indefinite noun phrases. In addition, I can recognize that the descriptive content of an indefinite noun phrase contributes to the speaker's intention and direction behind context.
In conclusion I suggest that a cognitive interpretation on meaning contributes to our English study or learning in every parts.


 1. 문제제기  2. 논리적 접근법
 2.1 한정명사구
 2.2 비한정명사구
 3. 인지적 접근법
 4. 문제해결
 5. 맺는 말


  • 오주영


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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