

소수자 집단 문학으로써의 여성적 글쓰기


Feminine Writing As A Minority Literature


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With Spivak’s term “subaltern” the purpose of this paper is to present a relationship between post-colonialism and feminism in Irish literature, and to demonstrate the feminine images represented in modern Irish contemporary texts. The Irish literary society tends to regard the minority women as the inferior one in the process of de-colonization. But the feminie writing is try to overcome the established attitude in post-colonial literature. At this juncture, Heaney, rather than focusing on particular events from colonialism to post-colonialism, concentrates primarily on the receptivity, remembering subaltern’s life, history, territory, and tongue of native women. His writing is not from the post-colonial literary tradition but from the native receptivity toward the women's life and its reality. Finally, through the reception of the feminine writing with the appropriated de-colonial writing, we should address “the women” represented in post-colonial text as the subaltern subjectivity.


I. 탈식민 작가의 여성재현 방식에 대한 오류
 II. 소수자 집단으로서의 여성
 III.  여성의 이름 부르기


  • 강민건 Kang, Min Gun. 대구대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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