

한국 대안금융의 활성화를 위한 과제


The Tasks for Revitalizing the Microfinance in Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper presented some following tasks for revitalizing and continuously improving the microfinance in Korea with the recognition that the microfinance is one of the desirable ways of solving the problem of the polarization of income in the situation that the polarization of income is growing due to recent financial crisis and after foreign currency crisis. Firstly, A specialized microfinance bank which is financially self-sustainable should be established and all the existing microfinance institutions should reach at least the level of operational self-sufficiency in order to improve the sustainability of microfinance in Korea. Before a specialized microfinance institution is transformed into a commercial bank, it needs to be established as a specialized bank like Korea Development Bank by a specialized banking law. The business that it deals with includes microcredit, deposits for the poor and for the charity, insurance and money transfer for the poor. It can be financed by private donations, money contribution by the government and the banks, social surplus funds at early times. In the long run it can be financed by deposits, bonds and investment funds. Secondly, the microfinance institutions should be so much diversified by the degree of poverty, occupation and dwelling place that the sustainability will be enhanced and the outreach can be maximized in korean situation. From this point of view a specialized microfinance bank which is financially self-sustainable should be established. A specialized microfinance bank will have business with people with higher credit and lower transaction costs. In order to complement its weakness, the microfinance institutions which have business with the very poor people will be needed. Thirdly, microfinance should be led by the private sector. The government must not operate microfinance directly but should play a role to prepare for the condition under which the private sector led microfinance can be successful. If the government should lead the microfinance, it is desirable to operate microfinance on a commercial basis lest it distorts the financial market. Fourth, the business field of microfinance needs to be extended so that it includes deposit and insurance to the microcredit at present. In order to fulfill this goal it is also essential to establish a commercial bank specialized in microfinance. Lastly, it is very urgent to build up infrastructure such as experts, education system, development of standard business model, social support network, information system and so on.


본고에서는 앞으로 한국 대안금융의 활성화와 지속적인 발전을 위한 과제를 아래와 같이 제시하고자 하였다. 첫째는, 한국 대안금융의 지속가능성을 제고시키기 위해서 재정적 지속가능성을 달성하는 대안금융전문은행을 설립함과 아울러 모든 대안금융기관이 적어도 운영 면에서 지속가능성을 달성하는 수준이 되어야 할 것이다. 둘째는, 대안금융의 효율화를 위해서는 한국적 상황에서 지속가능성을 제고시키면서 침투도를 극대화 할 수 있도록 거래대상자의 빈곤도, 직종, 거주 지역에 따라 대안금융기관을 다양화할 필요가 있다. 셋째는, 대안금융은 민간 주도로 실시되어야 한다. 정부는 직접적으로 대안금융을 수행하는 것을 지양하고 민간주도의 대안금융이 성공할 수 있는 여건을 조성하는 역할을 수행할 필요가 있다. 넷째로는, 소액신용대출에 국한된 현재의 사업영역에 예금업무와 보험 업무를 추가시킬 필요가 있으며 이를 위해서는 대안금융전문은행의 설립이 선결과제이다. 끝으로는, 대안금융의 활성화를 위해서는 전문가의 양성, 교육체계의 확립, 사업표준 모델의 개발, 사회적 지원네트워크의 구축, 정보시스템 구축 등의 인프라의 구축이 시급하다.


 I. 서론
 Ⅱ. 대안금융의 의의와 발전과정
  1. 대안금융의 배경과 발생 배경
  2. 대안금융의 발전 과정과 전망
  3. 대안금융에 대한 기존 연구 개관
 Ⅲ. 한국 대안금융의 현황과 문제점
  1. 대안금융의 필요성
  2. 한국 대안금융의 현황과 문제점
 Ⅳ. 한국 대안금융의 활성화를 위한 과제
  1. 대안금융기관의 지속가능성 제고: 대안금융전문은행의 설립
  2. 대안금융기관의 다양화
  3. 민간주도의 대안금융 확립
  4. 사업영역의 확대
  5. 인프라의 구축
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김규한 Gyuhan Kim. 상명대학교 경영대학 국제통상학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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