This Study focused on the Beauty of Art of the Seven quatrain' Historical Poems in Late Tang Dynasty. First, I divided rising cause of Historical Poems into three parts; these are Historical Poems's development of the internal discipline, transition in the history of literature and the formation of quatrain. Second, I researched the relationship of Seven quatrain and Historical Poems, and found the reason why they composed the Seven quatrain' Historical Poems, the reason involved the implication and aftertaste. So critics said them as 'Historic Review of 28 characters'. The method of Historic Review developed from the emotional stages to reasonal stages. This reasonal expression was apparent in Du-Mu and Li Shang-Yin's works.
2. 詠史詩 興盛 背景
1) 詠史詩 發展의 內在的 規律
2) 歷史 觀念의 文學化
3) 近體 絶句의 確立
3. 晩唐 七絶 詠史詩의 藝術美
1) 七言絶句와 詠史詩와의 關係
2) 7절 영사의 함축미와 여운
3) '역사 평론(論史)'식 칠언절구
4. 結論