

唐宋詞에 나타난 女人의 生活文化 - 化粧, 衣服, 裝飾 -


The living culture of the women appeared in Tang-Song Ci(詞) - Beautifler, Costumes, Accessories -

당송사에 나타난 여인의 생활문화 - 화장, 의복, 장식 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Reading foreign literature without cultural understanding limits the readers’ perspective in interpreting the written art. Tang and Sung lyrics, in particular, contain a variety of descriptive expressions based on their unique cultures. The early versions had descriptions of women’s artifacts in daily life, creating a soft and gentle image in the songs. Yet, modern readers have difficulty coping with these cultural items, which leads to errors in analyzing the accurate meaning and limits understanding. These items are also reflected in ceramics and drawings of this period, ranging from apparel and cosmetics to ornaments such as beaded blinds, folding screens, and pillows, all displaying their distinctive beauty. This paperstudies the aesthetic tastes and consciousness of the women in Tang and Sung dynasty reflected in the cultural items used in everyday life. A comprehensive comparison of the lyrics which contain the aforementioned items enhances our understanding of the aspects and implications these articles portray. This gives us an opportunity to rediscover the value of this particular type of literary art, and appreciate its distinctive style and image. It is also meaningful that this study opens the possibility of interdisciplinary research between the field of pure poetry and fine arts and cultural history.


I. 서언
 II. 당송사 창작의 공간적 배경
 III. 당송사에 나타난 여인의 생활문화
  제1장. 化粧
  제2장. 衣服
  제3장. 裝飾
 IV. 결론


  • 鄭台業 정태업. 부산외국어대학교 중국어학부 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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