

제3의 의미, 시각적 기억, 그리고 역사교과서 - 독일․프랑스 공동역사교과서와 한․중․일 공동역사교과서의 사진 이미지를 중심으로 -


The Third Meaning, Visual Memory, and History Textbooks: Analyses of Visual Images in 「Histoire」. L'Europe et le monde depuis 1945 and 「History to Future」


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, the author chose two history textbooks, 「Histoire. L'Europe et le monde depuis 1945 / Geschichite. Europa und die Welt seit 1945」 in European context and 「History to Future」 in East Asian context to analyze visual data i.e. photographs for the study of collective and visual memory. For theoretical backgrounds, we reviewed and applied the discussions of the third meaning and studium / punctum expounded by R. Barthes, and subjunctive voice and collective memory by B. Zelizer. The author found subjunctive voice facilitating the third meaning or punctum beyond denotation / connotation or studium. And we also found the triangular relationships: subjunctive voice, collective memory, and the visual data in analyzing visual images describing war crime trials(Nuremberg and Toyko trials), and so forth.


I. 서론
 II. 이론적 고찰
  제1장. 시각적 이미지의 제3의 의미와 가정법적 목소리
  제2장. 시각적 기억, 집단적 기억
 III. 연구방법
  제1장. 연구대상
  제2장. 분석방법
 IV. 분석결과
  제1장. 전범재판의 시각적 기억 분석 : <뉘른베르크 법정 공판광경>
  제2장. 전범재판의 시각적 기억 분석 : <도쿄 재판>
  제3장. <연합군의 노르망디 상륙 60주년 기념행사에 초청받은 독일연방공화국>과 <독일의 참회>의 시각적 기억 분석
 V. 결론


  • 김준홍 Kim, Jun-Hong. 미디어미래연구소 선임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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